Find The Time

The Find the time coaching programme focuses on helping clients free up time to do what they would like to do and is designed to assist individuals in prioritizing their activities, managing their schedule more effectively, and creating a healthy work-life balance.

The programme will involve an initial assessment of your current lifestyle and time management practices, followed by one-on-one coaching sessions.

Throughout the programme, we work together to identify areas where you are spending time on activities that are not aligned with your values or goals. I may use techniques such as time tracking and activity logging to help you gain a better understanding of how you are spending your time and identify areas where you can make changes.

The programme will also focus on strategies for managing distractions and increasing focus, such as creating a schedule, setting priorities, and learning how to say "no" to non-essential activities.

I will also help you to set specific goals for how you want to spend your time and develop a plan for achieving those goals. This may involve breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks and creating a timeline for completion.

I will provide ongoing accountability and support to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Takeaway: you will create more space in your life for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. By learning to manage time more effectively, you can reduce stress, increase productivity, and create a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.

Time Commitment: 6 x 60 minute Sessions

Investment: £420